Ühe äkksünnipäevapeo jaoks tuli kiiresti valmis keerutada ühed "äkk"-kõrvarõngad. Idee just kõige originaalsem ei ole, aga ma ei suuda meenutada, kus selliseid varem näinud olen, sellepärast ei oska ka inspiratsiooni allikale viidata. Tegelikult võib vist ühe idee peale ikka mitu inimest tulla ning nagu öeldakse: "Great minds think alike" ;)
Oma vähese kogemuse juures olen aga juba tähele pannud, et kindlale inimesele midagi luua on hulga kergem, kuna inimese isikupärast ja stiilist on võimalik palju inspiratsiooni leida.
For a sudden birthday party a pair of “sudden” earrings was quickly born. The idea is not the most original one, but I failed to remember where I had seen that concept before, and therefore am unable to refer to my inspiration source. Actually it’s probably possible that several people could come up with the same idea, and as they say; “Great minds think alike” ;)
In my little amount of experience I have noticed that it is much easier to create something for a certain person, since I’m able to find a lot of inspiration from that individual’s personality and style.