Tins of TallinnLast summer I had started experimenting with some other craft techniques. Well, I've been experimenting with different craft projects as long as I can remember, but this was something new for me. I wanted to try serviette technique combined with the crackle technique. I finished few projects such as some flower pots and tea containers but wasn't really happy with any of them, so I kinda set it all aside and all the supplies and paints that I had bought were just sitting somewhere in a bag all this time. Unfortunately this happens with many of my projects and new ideas, but the good news is that often times I do return to them a while later and eventually use the supplies and ideas
Same happened with this project. Last summer I had also rescued some old soviet kitchen tins from my grandparents house, but some of them had already been ruined with a permanent marker to convert them into nail and screw containers :D ......So, the best I could do with those, was to give them a new life. The pictures on the tins are copies of actual photographs/postcards of Tallinn Old Town from the 1920's taken by brothers Parikased. I love those postcards and have been attempting to collect them for a little while. Maybe some day I will write a separate posting on the old postcards that I have and their history.
I am quite pleased with the way these tins turned out. I think they make great gifts, and in fact they have made wonderful gifts for some of my friends who are leaving Estonia this summer to remember Tallinn by.
Eelmine suvi tekkis mul huvi katsetada millegi uuega. Nii kaua kui ma mäletan, olen ma alati igasugu uusi käsitööliike proovinud. Seekord siis salvrätitehnika ning kraklee. Ma lõpetasin paar projekti, aga ei olnud just vaimustuses oma tulemustest ning jätsin kogu asja mõneks ajaks sinnapaika. Kahjuks juhtub seda tihti minu erinevate ettevõtmiste ning ideedega, kuid hea on asja juures see, et lõpuks leian ma tee ikkagi nendeni ning lõpetan enamuse neist.
Sama juhtus selle projektiga. Eelmisel suvel õnnestus mul päästa vanavanemate majast mõned vanad nõukaaegsed plekk purgid, kuigi mõned neist olid juba lootusetult markeriga kruvide ning naelte purkideks vorbitud. Parim, mida ma nende heaks suutsin teha, oli anda neile sel viisil uus elu. Pildid purkidel on koopiad vendade Parikased postkaartidest 1920date Tallinna Vanalinnast, mida ma olen mõnda aega üritanud koguda. Võibolla mõnes teises postituses räägin natuke pikemalt nendest postkaartidest ning nende ajaloost.
Ma olen üsna rahul nende purkide lõpptulemusega. Minu arvates saab neid väga edukalt kasutada kingitustena ning tegelikult on nad ideaalsed kingid meenutamaks Tallinna mõnedele minu sõpradele, kes lahkuvad sel suvel Eestist.