Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pretty green.... and blue...

Another custom order got finished today. When making the necklace, I discovered that I must had been inspired by MdmB, because it is awfully similar to the style she's been working with lately. Well.... :D All I can say is that I admire her ideas and work, as it's quite obvious.
I made most of the chain on the necklace myself and it is the first time that I tried that. Hand made chains I've seen in the past have appeared quite clumsy to me so I never bothered trying to make it myself until yesterday, when I got the idea when working on another piece (which I can't wait to show you as soon as it's finished!!!). I'm quite happy with the way it turned out. I have second thoughts about the organza ribbon that I used with it though. I love the color that it brings to the whole piece but it seems to get in the way of the chain falling unhindered. We'll see...

Veel üks tellimus sai täna lõpetatud. Kaelakeed tehes avastasin, et inspiratsiooniallikaks on seekord vist olnud MdmB, kuna stiililt sarnaneb see tema viimasel ajal kastutuses olevale. Nojah... mis ma ikka muud oska öelda, et ma üsna ilmselgelt imetlen nii tema töid kui ideid! :D
Suurema osa kee ketist meisterdasin ise, igale asjale ole esimene kord. Isevalmistatud ketid on mulle alati tundunud kuidagi kohmakad, seetõttu pole varem olnud endal huvi proovida, kuid selle keti jaoks tuli mulle idee ühe teise ettevõtmise kallal pusides (ei jõua ära oodata, et teile näidata, kui valmis saab!!!)
Ma olen üsna rahul sellega, kuidas see välja kukkus. Kahtlen ainult selle organza paela osas. Mulle meeldib väga see värvilisa, mis ta ehtele annab, kuid kardan, et jääb takistama keti vaba langemis. Eks näis...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pretty Pink

Pink seems to be the color of the week... or month.... or season.... whatever :D
Here is a pair of pink earrings made for a gift traveling all the way to Indiana!
I used silver and pink quartz. I do like pink and I have heaps of pink clothes, but hardly any pink jewelry. So I guess I better make some for myself also. I love the frosty pale look of the pink quartz beads.

Roosa paistab olevat selle nädala värv... kuu värv... hooaja värv... või misiganes :D
Siin siis paar roosasid kõrvakaid, mis valmisid kingituseks, mis reisib kaugele Indianasse!
Kasutasin hõbedat ning roosat kvartsi. Mulle endale meeldib roosa väga ning mul on hunnikutes roosasid riideid, kuid väga vähe selles toonis ehteid. Nii et peaks ka endale vahest midagi tegema.
Mulle meeldib selle roosa kvartsi kahvatu härmas toon.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Spacey Princess Cuff

On Monday Lucy, MdmB and I had another get-together at Viru, to attempt making a jewelry project together from a Beadwork magazine special edition. None of us had all the supplies needed for this cuff, so we all just brought what we had and then shared. The bracelet is made using memory wire, which I haven't used much in the past. Although we followed the instructions pretty closely, all of our pieces ended up looking a little different. Both Lucy and MdmB finished theirs at our outing, but I was kinda slow to complete mine, so I finished it later that evening at home. Instead of the colored wire I used plain copper wire in mine, which I later oxidized to match the other copper beads in the piece.

My copper and glass cuff

Eelmisel esmaspäeval saime Lucy, MdmB ja mina taas Viru ees kohvikus kokku, et üritada koos meisterdada järjekordset projecti Beadwork ajakirjast. Kuna kellelgil meist polnud kõiki vajaminevaid vidinaid selle ehte tarvis, siis tõime kaasa kõik, mis meil oli, ning jagasime sõbralikult. Käevõru on tehtud eelpaenutatud traadile, mida mina isiklikult olen vähe kasutanud. Kuigi me järgisime õpetust üsna hoolega, tulid meie ehted lõpuks ikka igaüks oma nägu. Nii Lucy kui MdmB lõpetasid omad meie koosviibimisel, kuid mida olin taas viimane-hapupiimane, ning lõpetasin oma võru alles hiljem õhtul kodus. Värvilise traadi asemel kasutasin ma tavalist vasktraati, mille hiljem tumedamaks oksüdeerisin, et ta teiste vaskjubinatega ühte värvi oleks.

Friday, July 18, 2008


In the beginning of this week I spent some days back on the island of Saaremaa, where I grew up, visiting my family and friends. One of my things while being there is to visit some local antique stores to check out their latest additions in just about everything. My main passion though, is to find old post cards from early 1900's that seem to tell a story, at least to me. I had found this one card some months ago already, but for some reason had not bought it then and had regretted it ever since. So this time, my first goal was to see if this card was still there.... and it was!!!
When I first saw it, I just could not stop laughing, and even more after I had figured out what or who she was attempting to be. The second photo just caught my eye with her casual perky smile.

Selle nädala alguses veetsin mõned päevad Saaremaal, kus ma olen üles kasvanud, külastades pere ning sõpru. Üks asi, mis Kuressaares käies naljalt vahele ei jää, on paari antiigipoe külastamine, vaadates üle nende "uue kauba". Mul on suurem huvi just vanade postkaartide vastu, 1900ndate alusest, mis kannavad endas lugu ning sädet. Olin leidnud selle esimese kaardi juba paar kuud tagasi, aga mingil põhjusel ei ostnud seda tol korral ära. Nii et sel korral marssisin otsejoones selle kaardi järele, lootes, et see on veel seal..... ja nagu näha, oligi!
Kui ma seda esimest korda nägin, ei suutnud ma naeru pidada ning veelgi enam, kui taipasin, kellena modell pildil poseerida üritab. Teine foto jäi mulle aga silma modelli kelmika naeratuse tõttu.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ethnic Ring

I finally decided to try a tutorial by Iza Malczyk that I had bought months ago already. I started off with silver plated copper wire, but after tarnishing and polishing it turned into lovely copper tone. I'm not completely happy with how it turned out, but I never am. The next one will be better. It's a neat design and I'm planning on mixing different metals in the next ring. Iza makes some of the most amazing jewelry! What a creativity and class!! Check it out and you'll see.

Ma viimaks otsustasin proovida järgi Iza Malczyk'i õpetuse, mille juba kuid tagasi olin ostnud. Ma alustasin hõbetatud vasktraadiga, aga pärast oksüdeerimist ning poleerimist ilmus välja selline ilus vase toon. Ma, nagu alati, ei ole eriti rahul selle tulemusega, aga eks järgmine saab parem olema. See on väga lahe disain ning järgmise sõrmusega ma plaanin kokku panna erinevaid metalle. Iza teeb lihtsalt võrratuid ehteid! Milline fantaasia ning tase! Vaadake ise aga järgi.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jewelry Competition

I recently participated in a jewelry competition on I entered at the last minute, sending my picture in 30minutes before the deadline. There's nothing like pushing it to the last minute and rushing to get it in!! Right! :D
It was actually not my intention to enter at all, since I've been focused on something else rather major in my life recently, but those two things found a way to come together for the birth of this sunny piece of ocean floor. It did bring me success in both arenas; bringing me the first place in the competition. The competition was very interesting and offered something for every taste. Among my personal favorites was also the second place winner MdmB's necklace Atlantis, in which I love both the colors and style.

Ma osalesin hiljuti ehtevõistlusel. Jõudsin viimasel hetkel veel osa võtta, saates oma pildi võistlusele 30 minutit enne tähtaega.
Mul ei olnud tegelikult plaanis osa võtta, kuna mul on viimasel ajal olnud tähelepanu millegi teise juures, kuid kuidagi leidsid need kaks asja ühise hetke. See ehe tõi mulle edu mitmelgi pool, sealhulgas esimese koha ka ehtevõistlusel. Konkurss oli väga huvitav ning pakkus vaatamist ning hindamist igale maitsele. Minu isiklike lemmikute seas oli teise koha võitja MdmB's kaelaehe Atlantis

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hematite bracelet/anklet

I've had this post ready to be posted for some days now and I have to apologize for draggin' my feet on it.
This bracelet/anklet was born from a Bead&Button bracelet project Even the Odds, which I started on the 4th of July at our little get-together with some fellow beaders Lucy and MdmB, but didn't get too far at first, since it had been a while since I made anything with seed beads and there were a couple of very interesting magazines to scan through also. If you wanna read more about our little yakin'&beadin' party, you can visit MdmB's blog, where she gives a little overview and some pictures of what went down.
Anyways... a day later I finished the bracelet on my own at home. I made it long enough to fit as a bracelet for a guy or, in my case, as an anklet :D
I used the rest of the hematite cubes and some Delica 11/0 beads that I had also brought back from my trip to England, but hadn't gotten a chance to use yet. The piece feels really nice and heavy and cold to wear. For me, the jewelry has to have a neat feel to it - that's part of its beauty and character. I also love the way the light plays off the hematite beads.

See postitus oli juba valmis paar päeva tagasi ja pean vabandama, et nii kaua venitasin sellega. See käeehe/jalaehe sündis Bead&Buttoni projekti järgi, mida Lucy ja MdmBga koos eelmine nädal meisterdasime (kes tahab üritusest täpsemalt lugeda, võib piiluda MdmB blogist, kus ta natuke jutustab ning pilte näitab) Alguses mul ei saanud vedama selle keega, polnud kaua aega seemnekatest midagi teinud ning oli muudki huvitavat teha :D Päev hiljem ma lõpetasin selle kodus iseseisvalt. Tegin selle piisavalt pika, et mõnele meesinimesele soovi korral ka ümber käe mahuks, kuid minule sobib ta rohkem jalakeeks.
Kasutasin sinna ära kõik oma ülejäänud hematiidikuubikud ning ka Delica seemnehelmed, mille olin tagasi Inglismaalt toonud, kuid polnud veel kasutust leidnud. Kee on kandes hästi mõnusalt jahe ning raske, mis mulle meeldib. Minu arust lisab see ehtele ilu ning iseloomu. Ka köidab mind valguse mäng hematiidil.