Monday, August 25, 2008


The time has finally come to make this announcement!! I have been preparing and waiting for this day for 4 long months and it finally arrived!
Today was my very first school day at the Estonian Art Academy (EKA) in the jewelry art department.
This truly is a dream come true and I am as happy and content as a pig in the mud. I want to give all the glory for this to my Lord God for helping me through every step on this road because I couldn't have done it in my own strength. Starting from being able to attend the preparation courses for the entrance exams all the way to overcoming the disappointment of not making it in. When the entrance exam results were first unveiled I had not made it in to the original list of people that were accepted to the state funded spots. That was a hard pill to swallow. I waited till the given deadline to hear whether anyone had given up their spot, which was very unlikely in the first place, since there were only 4 of them When I had not heard anything for two weeks after the date, I had set my sight on the goal of trying again next year. Then, two days before the school started, a true miracle happened. I received a phone call from the school asking if I was still interested in coming to study this year. Someone had gotten a better offer and had given up their state funded spot and it was offered to me. Was I interested!?! Was I ever!?! My Lord is faithful in the ways He works!

So here I am now... in the beginning of a very interesting and exciting journey. I will keep you posted on all the great stuff that's gonna continue to happen to me.

Lõpuks on jõudnud kätte aeg teha see suur teadaanne! Ma olen seda oodanud ning selleks valmistunud 4 pikka kuud ning viimaks on see kätte jõudnud!

Täna oli minu esime koolipäev Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ehtekunsti erialal.

See on üks täitunud unistus ning ma olen nii õnnelik ning rahul nagu siga mudas :D
Ma tahan anda kogu au selle eest oma Loojale, kes aitas
mind selle teekonna igal sammul, sest omal jõul poleks ma sellega hakkama saanud. Alustades võimalusest osaleda sisseastumiseksamite ettevalmistuskursustel kuni mittesissesaamise pettumusest ülesaamiseks. Kui eksamitulemused esmakordselt avaldati, siis mind ei olnud riigieelarvelisele kohale sissesaajate seas. Sellega oli raske leppida. Ma ootasin kuni tähtajani, mil pidi selguma, kas keegi on soovinud oma RE kohast loobuda, mis oli üsna ebatõenäoline juba niikuinii, kuna kohti oli ainult 4. Kui ma juba kaks nädalat kõnet oodates midagi polnud kuulnud, otsustasin seada oma eesmärgi järgmisel aastal uuesti proovimisele. Ja siis, kaks päeva enne kooli algust juhtus tõeline ime. Mulle helistati koolist, küsides, et kas ma olen veel huvitatud EKAs õppimisest, kuna keegi oli viimasel hetkel oma RE kohast otsustanud loobuda ning mind oli valitud järgmiseks kandidaadiks sellele kohale. Kas ma olen huvitatud?!? Või veel!?! Minu Looja on ustav oma teedel!
Siin ma siis olen... väga huvitava ning põneva teekonna alguses. Üritan teid kursis hoida kõige lahedaga, mis minuga jätkuvasti juhtub.