Monday, October 6, 2008

Today was a really long, but extremely cool and interesting day at school. Well, not actually at school, since we took a field trip to see some forges and foundries in and near Tallinn. The most impressive one was at the BLRT (Baltic Ship Repair :) ) where they had one of the largest forges in one building and another one was where they were casting iron.

At the foundry

At the forge

What can I say, I just LOVE fire and anything to do with it :D
After returning to school I decided to make the most of my day and stay to work few more hours. Hahaa, as usual, those "few" hours turned into a whole afternoon and I ended up leaving around 8om.
But, here is what I have to show for that time.

Here's a ring that I've been itching to try to make for a while, but had no clue on how to actually do it. When I started today, I was just as clueless, but as you can see, figured it out in the process. That is also why I started with copper instead of moving right to silver. And I'm glad that I did. This ring turned out kinda OK, but it is mainly a very good example of mistakes and things to avoid. So my next one's gonna be better and of silver. I actually started working on the silver one this evening, but as usual, messed up the soldering and had to start all over again, which led to frustration, which in turn let to pain and bleeding... literally :D

The second picture is of a bookmark, that I found the idea for online last night and couldn't wait to try out. Again, a perfect example of what tho do different the next time.

Oh, and btw, today I noticed a little round number at the bottom of my blog - 10,000 visits!!! Not new ones only though, but all new and returning ones. So congrads to me, yay!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Aaaahhhh!!! I'm so sorry! It's been such a long time since I posted anything here and I'm sure you'd like to hear about what I've been up to with school and stuff...
Well... I've been busy busy busy...and lazy lazy lazy...and busy being lazy :P
I'll show you a quick picture of one of my first attempts at school, but will add more later. Who is interested to see some more pictures of some of the other things that i've been busy with can check here but unfortunately there aren't any comments to them.

Monday, August 25, 2008


The time has finally come to make this announcement!! I have been preparing and waiting for this day for 4 long months and it finally arrived!
Today was my very first school day at the Estonian Art Academy (EKA) in the jewelry art department.
This truly is a dream come true and I am as happy and content as a pig in the mud. I want to give all the glory for this to my Lord God for helping me through every step on this road because I couldn't have done it in my own strength. Starting from being able to attend the preparation courses for the entrance exams all the way to overcoming the disappointment of not making it in. When the entrance exam results were first unveiled I had not made it in to the original list of people that were accepted to the state funded spots. That was a hard pill to swallow. I waited till the given deadline to hear whether anyone had given up their spot, which was very unlikely in the first place, since there were only 4 of them When I had not heard anything for two weeks after the date, I had set my sight on the goal of trying again next year. Then, two days before the school started, a true miracle happened. I received a phone call from the school asking if I was still interested in coming to study this year. Someone had gotten a better offer and had given up their state funded spot and it was offered to me. Was I interested!?! Was I ever!?! My Lord is faithful in the ways He works!

So here I am now... in the beginning of a very interesting and exciting journey. I will keep you posted on all the great stuff that's gonna continue to happen to me.

Lõpuks on jõudnud kätte aeg teha see suur teadaanne! Ma olen seda oodanud ning selleks valmistunud 4 pikka kuud ning viimaks on see kätte jõudnud!

Täna oli minu esime koolipäev Eesti Kunstiakadeemia ehtekunsti erialal.

See on üks täitunud unistus ning ma olen nii õnnelik ning rahul nagu siga mudas :D
Ma tahan anda kogu au selle eest oma Loojale, kes aitas
mind selle teekonna igal sammul, sest omal jõul poleks ma sellega hakkama saanud. Alustades võimalusest osaleda sisseastumiseksamite ettevalmistuskursustel kuni mittesissesaamise pettumusest ülesaamiseks. Kui eksamitulemused esmakordselt avaldati, siis mind ei olnud riigieelarvelisele kohale sissesaajate seas. Sellega oli raske leppida. Ma ootasin kuni tähtajani, mil pidi selguma, kas keegi on soovinud oma RE kohast loobuda, mis oli üsna ebatõenäoline juba niikuinii, kuna kohti oli ainult 4. Kui ma juba kaks nädalat kõnet oodates midagi polnud kuulnud, otsustasin seada oma eesmärgi järgmisel aastal uuesti proovimisele. Ja siis, kaks päeva enne kooli algust juhtus tõeline ime. Mulle helistati koolist, küsides, et kas ma olen veel huvitatud EKAs õppimisest, kuna keegi oli viimasel hetkel oma RE kohast otsustanud loobuda ning mind oli valitud järgmiseks kandidaadiks sellele kohale. Kas ma olen huvitatud?!? Või veel!?! Minu Looja on ustav oma teedel!
Siin ma siis olen... väga huvitava ning põneva teekonna alguses. Üritan teid kursis hoida kõige lahedaga, mis minuga jätkuvasti juhtub.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pretty green.... and blue...

Another custom order got finished today. When making the necklace, I discovered that I must had been inspired by MdmB, because it is awfully similar to the style she's been working with lately. Well.... :D All I can say is that I admire her ideas and work, as it's quite obvious.
I made most of the chain on the necklace myself and it is the first time that I tried that. Hand made chains I've seen in the past have appeared quite clumsy to me so I never bothered trying to make it myself until yesterday, when I got the idea when working on another piece (which I can't wait to show you as soon as it's finished!!!). I'm quite happy with the way it turned out. I have second thoughts about the organza ribbon that I used with it though. I love the color that it brings to the whole piece but it seems to get in the way of the chain falling unhindered. We'll see...

Veel üks tellimus sai täna lõpetatud. Kaelakeed tehes avastasin, et inspiratsiooniallikaks on seekord vist olnud MdmB, kuna stiililt sarnaneb see tema viimasel ajal kastutuses olevale. Nojah... mis ma ikka muud oska öelda, et ma üsna ilmselgelt imetlen nii tema töid kui ideid! :D
Suurema osa kee ketist meisterdasin ise, igale asjale ole esimene kord. Isevalmistatud ketid on mulle alati tundunud kuidagi kohmakad, seetõttu pole varem olnud endal huvi proovida, kuid selle keti jaoks tuli mulle idee ühe teise ettevõtmise kallal pusides (ei jõua ära oodata, et teile näidata, kui valmis saab!!!)
Ma olen üsna rahul sellega, kuidas see välja kukkus. Kahtlen ainult selle organza paela osas. Mulle meeldib väga see värvilisa, mis ta ehtele annab, kuid kardan, et jääb takistama keti vaba langemis. Eks näis...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pretty Pink

Pink seems to be the color of the week... or month.... or season.... whatever :D
Here is a pair of pink earrings made for a gift traveling all the way to Indiana!
I used silver and pink quartz. I do like pink and I have heaps of pink clothes, but hardly any pink jewelry. So I guess I better make some for myself also. I love the frosty pale look of the pink quartz beads.

Roosa paistab olevat selle nädala värv... kuu värv... hooaja värv... või misiganes :D
Siin siis paar roosasid kõrvakaid, mis valmisid kingituseks, mis reisib kaugele Indianasse!
Kasutasin hõbedat ning roosat kvartsi. Mulle endale meeldib roosa väga ning mul on hunnikutes roosasid riideid, kuid väga vähe selles toonis ehteid. Nii et peaks ka endale vahest midagi tegema.
Mulle meeldib selle roosa kvartsi kahvatu härmas toon.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Spacey Princess Cuff

On Monday Lucy, MdmB and I had another get-together at Viru, to attempt making a jewelry project together from a Beadwork magazine special edition. None of us had all the supplies needed for this cuff, so we all just brought what we had and then shared. The bracelet is made using memory wire, which I haven't used much in the past. Although we followed the instructions pretty closely, all of our pieces ended up looking a little different. Both Lucy and MdmB finished theirs at our outing, but I was kinda slow to complete mine, so I finished it later that evening at home. Instead of the colored wire I used plain copper wire in mine, which I later oxidized to match the other copper beads in the piece.

My copper and glass cuff

Eelmisel esmaspäeval saime Lucy, MdmB ja mina taas Viru ees kohvikus kokku, et üritada koos meisterdada järjekordset projecti Beadwork ajakirjast. Kuna kellelgil meist polnud kõiki vajaminevaid vidinaid selle ehte tarvis, siis tõime kaasa kõik, mis meil oli, ning jagasime sõbralikult. Käevõru on tehtud eelpaenutatud traadile, mida mina isiklikult olen vähe kasutanud. Kuigi me järgisime õpetust üsna hoolega, tulid meie ehted lõpuks ikka igaüks oma nägu. Nii Lucy kui MdmB lõpetasid omad meie koosviibimisel, kuid mida olin taas viimane-hapupiimane, ning lõpetasin oma võru alles hiljem õhtul kodus. Värvilise traadi asemel kasutasin ma tavalist vasktraati, mille hiljem tumedamaks oksüdeerisin, et ta teiste vaskjubinatega ühte värvi oleks.

Friday, July 18, 2008


In the beginning of this week I spent some days back on the island of Saaremaa, where I grew up, visiting my family and friends. One of my things while being there is to visit some local antique stores to check out their latest additions in just about everything. My main passion though, is to find old post cards from early 1900's that seem to tell a story, at least to me. I had found this one card some months ago already, but for some reason had not bought it then and had regretted it ever since. So this time, my first goal was to see if this card was still there.... and it was!!!
When I first saw it, I just could not stop laughing, and even more after I had figured out what or who she was attempting to be. The second photo just caught my eye with her casual perky smile.

Selle nädala alguses veetsin mõned päevad Saaremaal, kus ma olen üles kasvanud, külastades pere ning sõpru. Üks asi, mis Kuressaares käies naljalt vahele ei jää, on paari antiigipoe külastamine, vaadates üle nende "uue kauba". Mul on suurem huvi just vanade postkaartide vastu, 1900ndate alusest, mis kannavad endas lugu ning sädet. Olin leidnud selle esimese kaardi juba paar kuud tagasi, aga mingil põhjusel ei ostnud seda tol korral ära. Nii et sel korral marssisin otsejoones selle kaardi järele, lootes, et see on veel seal..... ja nagu näha, oligi!
Kui ma seda esimest korda nägin, ei suutnud ma naeru pidada ning veelgi enam, kui taipasin, kellena modell pildil poseerida üritab. Teine foto jäi mulle aga silma modelli kelmika naeratuse tõttu.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ethnic Ring

I finally decided to try a tutorial by Iza Malczyk that I had bought months ago already. I started off with silver plated copper wire, but after tarnishing and polishing it turned into lovely copper tone. I'm not completely happy with how it turned out, but I never am. The next one will be better. It's a neat design and I'm planning on mixing different metals in the next ring. Iza makes some of the most amazing jewelry! What a creativity and class!! Check it out and you'll see.

Ma viimaks otsustasin proovida järgi Iza Malczyk'i õpetuse, mille juba kuid tagasi olin ostnud. Ma alustasin hõbetatud vasktraadiga, aga pärast oksüdeerimist ning poleerimist ilmus välja selline ilus vase toon. Ma, nagu alati, ei ole eriti rahul selle tulemusega, aga eks järgmine saab parem olema. See on väga lahe disain ning järgmise sõrmusega ma plaanin kokku panna erinevaid metalle. Iza teeb lihtsalt võrratuid ehteid! Milline fantaasia ning tase! Vaadake ise aga järgi.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jewelry Competition

I recently participated in a jewelry competition on I entered at the last minute, sending my picture in 30minutes before the deadline. There's nothing like pushing it to the last minute and rushing to get it in!! Right! :D
It was actually not my intention to enter at all, since I've been focused on something else rather major in my life recently, but those two things found a way to come together for the birth of this sunny piece of ocean floor. It did bring me success in both arenas; bringing me the first place in the competition. The competition was very interesting and offered something for every taste. Among my personal favorites was also the second place winner MdmB's necklace Atlantis, in which I love both the colors and style.

Ma osalesin hiljuti ehtevõistlusel. Jõudsin viimasel hetkel veel osa võtta, saates oma pildi võistlusele 30 minutit enne tähtaega.
Mul ei olnud tegelikult plaanis osa võtta, kuna mul on viimasel ajal olnud tähelepanu millegi teise juures, kuid kuidagi leidsid need kaks asja ühise hetke. See ehe tõi mulle edu mitmelgi pool, sealhulgas esimese koha ka ehtevõistlusel. Konkurss oli väga huvitav ning pakkus vaatamist ning hindamist igale maitsele. Minu isiklike lemmikute seas oli teise koha võitja MdmB's kaelaehe Atlantis

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hematite bracelet/anklet

I've had this post ready to be posted for some days now and I have to apologize for draggin' my feet on it.
This bracelet/anklet was born from a Bead&Button bracelet project Even the Odds, which I started on the 4th of July at our little get-together with some fellow beaders Lucy and MdmB, but didn't get too far at first, since it had been a while since I made anything with seed beads and there were a couple of very interesting magazines to scan through also. If you wanna read more about our little yakin'&beadin' party, you can visit MdmB's blog, where she gives a little overview and some pictures of what went down.
Anyways... a day later I finished the bracelet on my own at home. I made it long enough to fit as a bracelet for a guy or, in my case, as an anklet :D
I used the rest of the hematite cubes and some Delica 11/0 beads that I had also brought back from my trip to England, but hadn't gotten a chance to use yet. The piece feels really nice and heavy and cold to wear. For me, the jewelry has to have a neat feel to it - that's part of its beauty and character. I also love the way the light plays off the hematite beads.

See postitus oli juba valmis paar päeva tagasi ja pean vabandama, et nii kaua venitasin sellega. See käeehe/jalaehe sündis Bead&Buttoni projekti järgi, mida Lucy ja MdmBga koos eelmine nädal meisterdasime (kes tahab üritusest täpsemalt lugeda, võib piiluda MdmB blogist, kus ta natuke jutustab ning pilte näitab) Alguses mul ei saanud vedama selle keega, polnud kaua aega seemnekatest midagi teinud ning oli muudki huvitavat teha :D Päev hiljem ma lõpetasin selle kodus iseseisvalt. Tegin selle piisavalt pika, et mõnele meesinimesele soovi korral ka ümber käe mahuks, kuid minule sobib ta rohkem jalakeeks.
Kasutasin sinna ära kõik oma ülejäänud hematiidikuubikud ning ka Delica seemnehelmed, mille olin tagasi Inglismaalt toonud, kuid polnud veel kasutust leidnud. Kee on kandes hästi mõnusalt jahe ning raske, mis mulle meeldib. Minu arust lisab see ehtele ilu ning iseloomu. Ka köidab mind valguse mäng hematiidil.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Color specter 1/2

We are halfway through the year already. I can hardly believe it! That means that the Christmas is here soon!!!
Isetegija forum Color Specter project is also halfway completed. Here is a little overview of my projects. I am a little surprised that I was able to stick with it and actually not skip a month. I was a little late with a few of them, but got them done soon after in the next month.

Pool aastat on läbi juba. Suudan seda vaevalt uskuda!!! See tähendab vaid seda, et varsti on jõulud käes!!!
Isetegija käsitööfoorumi Värvispektri projekt on ka poolenisti läbi juba. Siin on väike ülevaade minu värvitöödest. Ma olen isegi veidike üllatunud, et ma olen suutnud nii püsivalt sellega tegeleda ning pole ühtegi kuud vahele jätnud. Paaris kuus jäin natuke hiljaks, aga lõpuks said nad ikka kõik kenasti valmis.

January - WHITE , February - RED

March - PURPLE, April - GREEN

May - PINK, June - YELLOW

Friday, June 27, 2008

Tins of Tallinn

Last summer I had started experimenting with some other craft techniques. Well, I've been experimenting with different craft projects as long as I can remember, but this was something new for me. I wanted to try serviette technique combined with the crackle technique. I finished few projects such as some flower pots and tea containers but wasn't really happy with any of them, so I kinda set it all aside and all the supplies and paints that I had bought were just sitting somewhere in a bag all this time. Unfortunately this happens with many of my projects and new ideas, but the good news is that often times I do return to them a while later and eventually use the supplies and ideas
Same happened with this project. Last summer I had also rescued some old soviet kitchen tins from my grandparents house, but some of them had already been ruined with a permanent marker to convert them into nail and screw containers :D ......So, the best I could do with those, was to give them a new life. The pictures on the tins are copies of actual photographs/postcards of Tallinn Old Town from the 1920's taken by brothers Parikased. I love those postcards and have been attempting to collect them for a little while. Maybe some day I will write a separate posting on the old postcards that I have and their history.
I am quite pleased with the way these tins turned out. I think they make great gifts, and in fact they have made wonderful gifts for some of my friends who are leaving Estonia this summer to remember Tallinn by.

Eelmine suvi tekkis mul huvi katsetada millegi uuega. Nii kaua kui ma mäletan, olen ma alati igasugu uusi käsitööliike proovinud. Seekord siis salvrätitehnika ning kraklee. Ma lõpetasin paar projekti, aga ei olnud just vaimustuses oma tulemustest ning jätsin kogu asja mõneks ajaks sinnapaika. Kahjuks juhtub seda tihti minu erinevate ettevõtmiste ning ideedega, kuid hea on asja juures see, et lõpuks leian ma tee ikkagi nendeni ning lõpetan enamuse neist.

Sama juhtus selle projektiga. Eelmisel suvel õnnestus mul päästa vanavanemate majast mõned vanad nõukaaegsed plekk purgid, kuigi mõned neist olid juba lootusetult markeriga kruvide ning naelte purkideks vorbitud. Parim, mida ma nende heaks suutsin teha, oli anda neile sel viisil uus elu. Pildid purkidel on koopiad vendade Parikased postkaartidest 1920date Tallinna Vanalinnast, mida ma olen mõnda aega üritanud koguda. Võibolla mõnes teises postituses räägin natuke pikemalt nendest postkaartidest ning nende ajaloost.

Ma olen üsna rahul nende purkide lõpptulemusega. Minu arvates saab neid väga edukalt kasutada kingitustena ning tegelikult on nad ideaalsed kingid meenutamaks Tallinna mõnedele minu sõpradele, kes lahkuvad sel suvel Eestist.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rudraksha and hematite

Some of you might remember.... from my trip to England in last November I had brought back some interesting beads - rudraksha beads, seeds of a large evergreen broad-leaved tree that grows in the area from the Gangetic Plain to the foothills of the Himalayas. I found them very interesting, but for a long time was unable to come up with a way of using them in my jewelry, since I had difficulty successfully matching them with any other material in my inventory. From the same trip I had also brought back a few strands of hematite cubes, which I hadn't had much more success in finding a use for. So yesterday as I was just going through all the beads and other interesting jewelry stuff that I have accumulated over the past year these two just miraculously found each other!! I'm tellin' ya, it was a love at first sight, a match made in heaven!!! :D I added some 2mm sterling beads, which brought the whole thing to perfection. But that is just my humble opinion and I better let you be the judge.
It is a simple design and just an easy stringing job, but it's not always the complex extravagant wire work that creates the effect, but the beauty in simplicity and harmony of materials.

Mõned teist ehk mäletavad veel.... oma novembrikuiselt reisilt Inglismaale tõin ma tagasi ühed huvitavad helmed - rudraksha helmed, mis on Himaalaja jalamil kasvava laialehelise igihalja puu seemned. Kuigi nad olid minu tähelepanu köitnud, ei osanud ma pikka aega neid oma ehetes kasutada, kuna mul ei õnnestunud leida nendega kokkusobivaid materjale. Samalt reisilt olin ma kaasa toonud ka paar nööritäit hematiidi kuubikuid, millele ei osanud ka leida õiget kasutust. Aga siis eile, sorteerides oma helmevarusid ning muud ehtekraami, mis sul aasta jooksul kogunenud on, leidsid need kaks ühtäkki teineteist! No ma ütlen, lausa armastus esimesest silmapilgust!! Ma lisasin veel 2mm hõbehelmeid, mis viis asja täiuseni ;) Aga see on vaid minu tagasihoidlik arvamus ning eks igaüks otsustagu ise. Disain on lihtne ning töö oli kerge helmeste nöörile lükkimine, aga alati ei loo efekti keerukas traadiväänamine, vaid lihtsuse ilu ning materjalide omavaheline harmoonia.
Stardust vol.2

Do you still remember those earrings???
They have finally found a new owner, and a lovely one I might add! I could not have thought of a more fitting person to wear them. Well, and I think that they were received quite warmly, since a matching necklace was ordered the same day. As I was nearly completed with the necklace I happened to come across some shisha mirrors that had been left over from another embroidery project (which I still haven't completed to this day, but am thinking about) and when playing around with the pendant and the mirrors they somehow ended up together, which I think created a pretty cool super-hyper-mega-sparkling-effect that might not be so apparent on the photos unfortunately.
Anyways... using mirrors in this piece gave me a couple ideas for some future projects which will hopefully see daylight soon.

Kas mäletate veel neid kõrvakaid???
Nad on viimaks endale omaniku leidnud ning lisaksin, et väga kauni omaniku sealjuures. Ma poleks osanud leida sobivamat inimest neid ehteid kandma. Ma arvan, et nad võeti ka üsna soojalt vastu, kuna samal päeval laekus tellimus kaelakeele. Olles peaaegu lõpetanud keega, sattusid mulle kätte shisha peeglid, mis olid üle jäänud ühest minu tikkimistööst (mis ikka veel ei ole lõpetatud, kuigi ma mõtlen sellele tihti) ning mängides ripatsi ning peeglitega olid nad ühtäkki üheks ehteks juba saanud. Minu arust lõi see väga laheda
super-hüpper-mega-sillerdava-sätendava-efekti, mis kahjuks fotole taas eriti hästi ei tahtnud jääda.

Igal juhul......peeglite kasutamine selles töös andis mulle paar ideed nende kasutamiseks ka tulevikus, mis loodetavasti näevad ilmavalgust üsna varsti.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rõõm on kõiki taas üle pika aja tervitada!!

Ma ei hakka kokku arvutamagi, millal viimati postitasin. Vahepeal on igasugu muud tegemist olnud, millest räägin ehk kunagi hiljem. Ehetega olen ikka vaikselt tegelenud ning mõnda neist juba Isetegijas näidanud.
Venna sünnipäevaga seoses tekkis idee ning tahtmine proovida midagi meestele valmis väänata. Tuli selline kee, kuigi too tundub rohkem naisterahvaste huvi äratama. Sellest tulenevalt valmisid soovikohaselt kõrvarõngad, mis keega ideaalselt üksteist täiendaksid, kui neil poleks kaks erinevast soost omanikku. Kolmanda pildi peal on veel üks katsetus ühe huvitava kiviga, mille identiteet on mulle veel saladus, kuid näeb sellest hoolimatta väga vinge ning triibuline välja.

I am glad to greet everyone again!!!
I won't even try to remember when I posted my last posting. I've been busy with all kinds of things in the mean while, which I will fill you in on a little later. I have created some new pieces, which some of you might have seen already.
With my brother's birthday approaching I got an idea to try to make something for guys (top two pictures). This necklace seems to attract more of ladies attention than guys. I also ot an order for a pair of earrings which would make a perfect match with the necklace if they weren't owned by two different people.
On the third picture you can see an experiment with an interesting stone, which hasn't revealed its identity to me yet.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Veebruar - PUNANE vol.2

Juba kuu on möödunud minu viimasest postitusest. Ei saa just öelda, et mul oleks väga kiire kogu aeg olnud, aga polnud vist õiget tuju. Ma olen mõne asjaga vahepeal ka valmis saanud ning järgnevates postitustes näitan neid teilegi. Alustame siis sealt, kus pooleli jäi.
Kui veel mäletate, siis viimane töö, mida näitasin, oli paar punaseid mustlaskõrvarõngaid. Nädal aega tagasi saabus mulle gold filled traadi saadetis, mis koheselt kasutust leidis nende kõrvakate ümbertegemisel. Ühtlasi lisasin ka käeketi ning kaelakee sellesse komplekti. See on minu esimene punane ning kuldne ehtekomplekt. Ma ostsin omale isegi ühe väga ilusa punase pluusi, mida ehete juurde kanda. Väga lahe on asju sellises järjekorras teha!

A month has passed since my last posting. I can't say that I have been extremely busy with anything, but I guess I just haven't been in the mood. I have made a few things in between and will be showing them in the next posts. I will start where I left off.
If you remember, then the last piece I showed to you were the red Swarovski gypsy earrings. A week ago I received an order of some gold filled wire, that found an immediate use in remaking those earrings and adding a bracelet and a necklace to the set. This is my first red and gold set of jewelry. I even bough a really nice red top to go with the jewelry. I love to do that!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Veebruar - PUNANE

Kuu on peaaegu läbi ning minu Värvispektri veebruarikuu punane töö on valmis saanud. Need punased Swarovskid kingiti mulle sünnipäevaks ning olid hoopiski kee jaoks mõeldud, aga vat tulid siiski kõrvakad, kuigi helmeid jäi veel piisavalt ka kee tarvis jäerele, mis võibolla kunagi hiljem ilmavalgust näeb.
Kuna punane on väga väljakutsuv energiline värv, siis tundus kohane just sellises uhkeldavas mustlaslikus stiilis ehted nendest teha. Rõngaste läbimõõt on 3,5cm ning kogupikkus 7,5cm. Mul isiklikult peab selliste ehete kandmiseks väga vastav tuju olema ning eks paistab, kas selline tuju kunagi üldse saabub :D

The month is almost over and I have finished my project for Project Color Spectrum. Those red Swarovskis were given to me for my birthday and were supposed to be used in a necklace, but ended up as earrings, although I have plenty left for a necklace.
Since red is a very energetic color, it seemed good to me to make such lavishing gypsy style jewelry out of these beads. The hoops measure 3,5cm in diameter and the length is 7,5cm. I personally need to be in a very appropriate mood to wear those earrings and we'll see, if that mood ever comes :D

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Amethyst ring

Üks väga ammune töö sai pika väänamise ning ümbertegemise peale lõpuks valmis. See läks ühele väga heale sõbrannale. Suurim sõrmus, mida ma siiani teinud olen. Üritasin ka mingisugust sümmeetriat jälgida, aga noh, eks ise näete ju, kuidas see mul õnnestus. Tänama pean jällegi suurmeistrit Eni Oken'it

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kulla valem

Täna ma näitan teile ühte huvitavat avastust mille otsa eile komistasin - kuidas hõbedast kulda teha.
Lugu algab sellest, et ma leidsin oma ehtetoosist ühe oma vanavanaema kõrvarõnga, mida olin kunagi keti otsas ripatsina kandnud. Ma ei ole päris kindel, mis metallist see valmistatud on, aga peale vaadates tundub olevat selline kahvatu kuldne. Kuna mul siniseid ehteid prakitiliselt ei ole, siis oli vaja sinna juurde teha kõrvarõngad, aga kullatud traat jäi ripatsi kõrval väga erksaks kollaseks ning ei sobinud hästi kokku. Tegin siis hõbedast ning lisasin helmeste vahele pisikesi 2mm gold filled kuulikesi, et anda hõbeda kõrvale veidigi kuldset tooni. Lõpptulemus jäis üsna rahuldav, kuid ikkagi väga hõbedane. Siis tuli mulle pähe idee proovida ühte trikki. Umbes paar kuud tagasi ostsin Tallinnast Juveeli poest purgitäie vedelikku, mis hõbedat oksüdeerib. Tavaliselt olin kasutanud seda algses kontsentratisoonis, ning vahetevahel natuke veega lahjendanud, et veidite heledamat oksiidikihti hõbedale saada. Seekord otsustasin teha väga nõrga lahuse veest ning oksüüdist ning sellega proovida. Hoidsin kõrvakaid lahuses ainult loetud sekundeid, ning tulemus on pildil! Kogu kõrvarõngastes olev hõbe (v.a. konksud, mille spiraalis on kasutatud GF traati ning ise on hõbedast) tõmbas kulla värvi kollaseks. Isegi kui hoolega lähedalt vaatasin, siis minul ei õnnestunud märgata värvivahet GF kuulikeste ning oksüdeeritud hõbeda vahel. Hõbedat ma pärast ei poleerinud. Nii nagu pildil on, nii ta ka pärast oksüdeerimist välja nägi. Sedasi saingi ma hõbedast kulda :D
Ma ei ole küll kindel, kas see toon on püsiv või kas hõbe aja jooksul välismõjude toimel tumeneb, kuid eks paistab. Alumisel pildid on võrdluseks kõrval seesama hõbekett, mida kõrvarõngaste tegemisel kasutasin.
Olen veel märganud, et mängides vee hulgaga selles lahuses, õnnestub saada erinevaid toone hõbedale. Kui kasutada ainult oksüüdi, tõmbab hõbe hästi tumedaks tuhkhalliks. Kui lisada veidikene vett, nii et lahus tuleb kange, siis läheb hõbe tumedaks lillakas-siniseks. Lahuse nõrgenedes läheb ka oksiidi värv heledamaks. Olen erinevatel puhkudel saavutanud nii tumepruuni, roostepruuni, kui nüüd siis ka kollast.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Veel üks komplekt. Seekord on nii kaelakee kui kõrvarõngad minu tehtud. Ma olen ikka harakas küll, kõik sillerdav ja sätendav köidab mind. Selle kee ning kõrvarõngaste ripatsid on niiiiii ilusad ja püüavad valgust võrratult! Praegu on jube uni... pärast vaatan, ehk kirjutan veel midagi.

I apologize to all my English readers, I've gotten lazy... I promise I will write in English... soon.