Twinkle, twinkle little star...
Allolevalt pildilt just mingit erilist sära ei paista fotokvaliteedi kehvuse tõttu, aga kandes on need kullakesed küll lausa tähesäraga üle valatud. Sobiv lõpp mööduvale aastale ning eesolevaks aastavahetuseks. Kuigi eriliselt glamuurne ta minu jaoks ei tõota tulla. Materjali kulus palju ja aega ka, aga kaif oli neid teha. Vahest, kui tuju on väga null, on nii mõnus millegi ilusaga hakkama saada.
All the twinkle is not very apparent on the picture above due to the poor quality of the photo, but when worn these babies are as dipped in stardust. Appropriate end for the passing year and upcoming New Year's eve, although it's not promising to be too glamorous for me. The earrings took a lot of silver, beads and time, but I really enjoyed making them. Sometimes, when I'm not so high in spirit, it feels so good to have created something pretty.
All the twinkle is not very apparent on the picture above due to the poor quality of the photo, but when worn these babies are as dipped in stardust. Appropriate end for the passing year and upcoming New Year's eve, although it's not promising to be too glamorous for me. The earrings took a lot of silver, beads and time, but I really enjoyed making them. Sometimes, when I'm not so high in spirit, it feels so good to have created something pretty.
Tõelised iludused tõesti - ja need swarovskid üldiselt vist ei taha oma ilu pildile eriti lasta. Vähemalt minu kogemuse järgi :) Kas oled nõus neid kullakesi ka kunagi müüma? ;)
Kas sul juba plaanid tulevaks aastaks tehtud? Ja miks glamuuril seal kohta pole?
Very pretty - and they look like they will really sparkle!
Glamuuril pole
kohta minu aastavahetuses, st. et uhket pidu pole plaanis. Aga aastasse mahub loodetavasti piisavalt glamuuri ja ka kõike muud.
Plaane ei viitsi eriti vana-aasta õhtul teha... eks mõtteid mõlgub ja suuremad suunad on selgeks seatud, jah. Need kullakesed on rõõmuga nõus omale uut omanikku leidma, kardetavasti aga ka peaaegu et kulla hinnaga :P
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