All the twinkle is not very apparent on the picture above due to the poor quality of the photo, but when worn these babies are as dipped in stardust. Appropriate end for the passing year and upcoming New Year's eve, although it's not promising to be too glamorous for me. The earrings took a lot of silver, beads and time, but I really enjoyed making them. Sometimes, when I'm not so high in spirit, it feels so good to have created something pretty.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
All the twinkle is not very apparent on the picture above due to the poor quality of the photo, but when worn these babies are as dipped in stardust. Appropriate end for the passing year and upcoming New Year's eve, although it's not promising to be too glamorous for me. The earrings took a lot of silver, beads and time, but I really enjoyed making them. Sometimes, when I'm not so high in spirit, it feels so good to have created something pretty.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Ise olen nende ehete üle jube õnnelik, sest nad on just minu maitsele ning nende tegemine oli ka ülimalt nauditav. Ispiratsioon tuli materjalist endas, paigutades erinevaid kive ja helmeid üksteise kõrvale. Aeg-ajalt on hea end väheke poputada ning endale väheke rohkem lubada, kui tavaliselt. ;)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
She sells seashells by the seashore...
Kuid allpool nähtavad "Seashells" ("Merekarbid") väänasid minu sõrmi küll piisavalt. Pole mõnda aega sellist peenikest punumist teinud, nii et väikene sõrmeharjutus kulus marjaks ära. Materjaliks vask (0,8 ja 0,4) ning 4mm swarovskid. Ehted on tegelikult väiksemad kui pildil võibolla tunduvad, teokarbi läbimõõt on 1,5 cm ning kogu ripatsi pikkus 2,5 cm. Kaal on neil ka üllatavalt väike arvestades vasktraadi hulka, mis tavaliselt punutud asjadele tublisti kaalu lisavab. Kes veel tähele paneb, siis olen endale lõpuks sisse seadnud ka logo, mida võib näha pildi all paremas nurgas ning ka ehete alusel. Logo eest pean tänama oma head sõpra Ain Varest , kes oli minuga väga kannatlik ning vastutulelik .
But the "Seashells" above twisted my fingers enough. I haven't made anything wrapped that fine for a while, so a little exercise was good for me. I used copper wire (0,8 and 0,4) and 4 mm swarovskis. Earrings are actually smaller in real life than they might appear on the photo, the diameter of the shell is 1,5 cm and the length of the whole piece is 2,5 cm. Their weight is also surprisingly light considering the amount of wire, that usually adds quite a bit of weight to wrapped pieces such as these. You might have noticed that I have finally picked a logo, which you can see in the bottom right corner of the photo and also on the jewelry display card. For the logo I must thank my good friend Ain Vares at who was very patient with me.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Be my Valentine!
Ja peale selle ka ühed juba nähtud stiilis.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Pärast paarinädalast puhkust on kogunenud paras hulk kulinaid, mida oleks viimane aeg näidata. Millegi erilisega ma hakkama ei ole saanud, aga kuna on soovi avaldatud väiksemate ning tagasihoidlikemate ehete suhtes, siis ei jäänud muud üle, kui veidi käiku vahetada.
Reis Inglismaale oli mõnus ja täis üllatusi. Jõudsin külastada 3 linna, nende hulgas ka Londonit, ning igas linnas õnnestus mul leida ülesse üks helmepood :D Igasugu vidinaid-jubinaid sai hoolega kokku ostetud, põhiliselt küll poolvääriskive ja muid ebatavalisemaid (Eesti oludes) leide. Nende hulgast minu jaoks "pärliks" osutus labradoriit (pildil-->). Tuhmi halli pealispinna alt kumab õige valguse käes sügavsinine-rohekas helk, mis mingil määral ka pildile õnnestus püüda.
Siis ühest väikesest kila-kola poest leidsin üliodavalt rudraksha seemnetest kee. Rudraksha seemnetest helmed on kasutuses seoses mitme usundiga, kuid minule hakkasid nad mõnda aega tagasi silma oma erilise välimuse tõttu. Kuna nende looduslik kasvuala on Eestist võrdlemisi kaugel (peamiselt Indias) ning siinmail ka igasugu idamaade religioosseid aksessuaare eriti suures külluses saada ei ole, siis olin ülimalt vaimustatud sellisest ootamatust leiust. <--Pildil siis järjehoidja ripatsis see kõige suurem kreeka pähklit meenutav mumm. Allpool väiksemas seades ametüst, pärl, amasoniit ja pärlmutter.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Unakite chandelier
I might have been a little mistaken when I predicted that my love for copper would pass when the sterling arrived. Silver is nice and I personally prefer to wear silver myself, but when I start making jewelry, I find copper in my hands time and time again. This time I added some semi-precious stones to copper, which I have mainly in green colors. Now this seems to contradict my previous posting, where I said that green is not one of my preferred colors. Well, the truth is that I do like green; I just don't wear it a lot. But since I have a lot of green jewelry stuff, I can only hope that there are many more other people who do wear green more often than I.
This new pair of earrings is completely hand crafted by me, meaning that I have finally learned how to make ear hooks, which in itself is fairly simple and quick. I only messed up one hook before making this pair. For stones I have used unakite, which came as heart-shaped beads. I very much dislike all kinds of special shaped beads, such as star, heart, moon, flower, etc. so imagine my surprise when I found them in my package. I must have been distracted by its marvelous color, which is not displayed very well in the given photograph. When uploading this picture I noticed a pair of wrist warmers, which I knit a few months ago. I will show you the picture of them too, so you can decide for yourself, whether they match or not. I will be out of the country for a week, so you probably won't hear from me in a while, but when I return, I might have something else to show.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Swarovski chandelier
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Pink beauties
I promised to show something else that I made last weekend. Hammered oxidized copper wrapped in glass beads. I like the second look better, because the light beads seem to stand out more with the darker metal.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Raining Rings - Sõrmuste sadu
If anyone is reading this blog in English, please give me some feedback, so I know that someone is actually reading this and I'm not just wasting my time and brains... :)
Swarovskid vases ja roosinupp
Swarovskis in copper and a rose bud
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Carrot party!!!
Mis puutub pealkirja (porgandi pidu) siis see oli esimene asi, mis pähe kargas, kui neid kive ja nende värvi nägin.
Inglise keeles täna ei viitsi kirjutada... võibolla hiljem...
Check back for English later. Thanks!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Diamond drops
For a sudden birthday party a pair of “sudden” earrings was quickly born. The idea is not the most original one, but I failed to remember where I had seen that concept before, and therefore am unable to refer to my inspiration source. Actually it’s probably possible that several people could come up with the same idea, and as they say; “Great minds think alike” ;)
In my little amount of experience I have noticed that it is much easier to create something for a certain person, since I’m able to find a lot of inspiration from that individual’s personality and style.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Garnet Chandelier earrings
Ma ei väsi korrutamast, kuidas mulle vask meeldib! Nii mõnus pehme, kuid siiski vormihoidev ning värviga saab ka igasugu põnevaid variante kasutada. Ertiti ilusaks roosaks ja säravaks läheb ta pärast Cillitiga loputamist ja klaaskivid lööb see ka mõnusalt läikima, kuigi traadil see sära kaua ei kesta, kuna vask on õhuniiskusele ja muudele välisteguritele väga tundlik. Need kõrvarõngad ootavavad veel munaga kohtumist, et kuloniga ühte tooni sobida.
I have finally finished a pair of earrings to match the shell pendant I wrote about in an earlier posting. I think I forgot to mention the materials used for that set. For wrapping I used 0,4 mm (26 gauge) copper wire, and 0,6 mm (22 gauge) for the earrings and 0,8mm (20 gauge) for the pendant frame. I bought the stones from a local market under the name of “garnet”, and they have the look of garnet, although I can’t be quite sure.
I don’t get tired of saying how much I like copper! It is so moldable, but yet sturdy and the different color variations are so exciting. Rinsing it with the Cillit cleaner gives it a bright pink and shiny color, and it also enhances the luster on glass beads, although the effect on the wire doesn’t last very long, since copper is very sensitive to humidity and other variables. Those earrings are yet to be oxidized to match the pendant in color.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
In the beginning....
Pärast pikka maadlemist ja punnitamist on mul lõpuks oma blogi ülesse saadud. Ega seal midagi keerulist ju tegelikult ei olnudki, aga ma olen märganud, et ma tahan asju ikka nii teha, kuidas neid just parasjagu teha ei saa.
Igal juhul on miskit nüüd lõpuks valmis ja mul on väga hea meel oma esimeses postituses näidata ka oma esimest suuremamahulist traaditööd.
Paar õhtut tagasi valmis aga minu esimese tellimustööna üks tagasihoidlikum vasest vingerdis, millele mõne aja pärast (siis kui traadivarusid on jälle uuendatud) lisanduvad kõrvarõngad. Selle peal sai katsetatud ka keedetud munaga metalli oksüdeerimist.
Enne (before)
Pärast (after)
After an exhausting battle with my computer and technology I have finally succeeded in setting up my blog. It really isn’t all that hard, but I’ve noticed that I just like doing things the impossible or almost impossible way.
In any case, here it is. In this first entry I’m proud to present my first bigger wire wrapping project (first picture).
Also, a few nights before that I finished my first actual order which will soon be accompanied by a pair of matching earrings (as soon as my supply of wire is restocked). On this piece I also experimented with the egg oxidizing method, which turned out quite OK. I have posted before and after shots to display the results better.