Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Stardust vol.2

Do you still remember those earrings???
They have finally found a new owner, and a lovely one I might add! I could not have thought of a more fitting person to wear them. Well, and I think that they were received quite warmly, since a matching necklace was ordered the same day. As I was nearly completed with the necklace I happened to come across some shisha mirrors that had been left over from another embroidery project (which I still haven't completed to this day, but am thinking about) and when playing around with the pendant and the mirrors they somehow ended up together, which I think created a pretty cool super-hyper-mega-sparkling-effect that might not be so apparent on the photos unfortunately.
Anyways... using mirrors in this piece gave me a couple ideas for some future projects which will hopefully see daylight soon.

Kas mäletate veel neid kõrvakaid???
Nad on viimaks endale omaniku leidnud ning lisaksin, et väga kauni omaniku sealjuures. Ma poleks osanud leida sobivamat inimest neid ehteid kandma. Ma arvan, et nad võeti ka üsna soojalt vastu, kuna samal päeval laekus tellimus kaelakeele. Olles peaaegu lõpetanud keega, sattusid mulle kätte shisha peeglid, mis olid üle jäänud ühest minu tikkimistööst (mis ikka veel ei ole lõpetatud, kuigi ma mõtlen sellele tihti) ning mängides ripatsi ning peeglitega olid nad ühtäkki üheks ehteks juba saanud. Minu arust lõi see väga laheda
super-hüpper-mega-sillerdava-sätendava-efekti, mis kahjuks fotole taas eriti hästi ei tahtnud jääda.

Igal juhul......peeglite kasutamine selles töös andis mulle paar ideed nende kasutamiseks ka tulevikus, mis loodetavasti näevad ilmavalgust üsna varsti.

1 comment:

Christina J. said...

I love your idea of using mirror in the pendant! It looks really pretty in the photo; I'm sure it's even better in person!